This page contains links to forms for instructors and evaluators.


Starting in  2024, evaluators and instructors must submit a W-9, provide electronic transfer fund information and sign and return a Evaluator/Instructor agreement form:

W-9 and ETF forms

Evaluator/Instructor Agreement

For secure file sharing service please use THIS LINK to upload documents. Any problems/questions contact Kathy Murphy .

or print and send forms to:

Ann Wichmann
20800 Parry Road, PO Box 86
Falls City, OR 97344


Evaluator Application: To become a SARDUS evaluator please contact the Chapter leadership to express your desire.  Evaluators must demonstrate good communication skills, good organizational skills and must be able to relay information in a positive, supportive and yet direct way.  Evaluators must possess real-world search skills and have had a certified canine in the area they are evaluating (minimum of 3-years of search experience, deployed on missions but we are often looking for more than that.) Prospective evaluators need to understand the SARDUS standards and have gone through a shadowing period. The minimum (we often ask for more) is observing three tests.  The last test will be set-up by the prospective evaluator from start (locating an appropriate test site/scheduling subjects/test takers) to turning in all appropriate paperwork in a timely manner.  After completion the application, resume, a review of shadowing process will be reviewed by leadership for a final determination.

To Apply:

  1. Notify SARDUS Chapter Leadership
  2. Fill-out application, including a resume
  3. Upon acceptance into SHADOWING process attend at least 3 testing events
  4. Final check-out- demonstrating successful completion of a test
  5. Review by Leadership Team



SARDUS Liability waiver for clinics:

SARDUS liability Release- general

Vehicle Placard:

vehicle placard

Evaluator/Instructor Reimbursement

Please fill out the following form to document your honorarium and expenses (travel/accommodations/incidentals) with receipts.